How to Create a Homepage Portrait
When you photograph a portrait, the subject should be in front of dark and simple background. Shoot the subject frontal face, close-up, no smile.
Editing in Photoshop
Create a new image (File > New) in Photoshop that’s 168 pixels by 168 pixels, 72 pixels/inch resolution.
Copy the picture of the subject onto this new image, and center the face. The subject’s frontal face, from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin should be approximately 145 pixels tall.
Change image mode to Grayscale (Image > Mode > grayscale)
Increase Contrast (Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast… Set Contrast +100). Possibly apply this twice.
Apply Posterize (Image > Adjustments > Posterize… Set Levels 7).
Apply Median (Filter > Noise > Median… Set Radius 1 pixels). Possibly apply this twice.
Using Pencil Tool or Brush Tool, paint the background black.
When you are done, save the file (File > Save for Web & Devices) with the JPEG High preset.
Download the [pdf] for this tutorial.